Connections to the Future
As educators, we stand with feet firmly grounded in industry experience and lessons from the past. Our hearts in the present with our friends, colleagues and alumni, but our eyes and minds are always looking to the future that our current and future students will inherit and build upon.
To that end, we would like to signpost a few future initiatives that GSA actively supports and encourages our students, alumni, and wider industry colleagues to engage with.
ABTT Make a Difference
The ABTT’s MAKE A DiFFERENCE day is an annual proactive conference day committed to the discussion of current industry issues. This is so much more than talking about current issues. We ask people who attend to pledge to leaving with proactive action points to help develop strategies for positive change. Find out more below!
Theatre Green Book
GSA is working to make theatre production more sustainable with the help of its first Green Captain, Evie Redfern. Evie and her tutor, Katy Downton, GSA’s Sustainability Champion, are pioneering the recommendations of the Theatre Green Book and aim to embed its practices into the industry.